Rif: CB1009
Bifamiliare in Via Alcide de Gasperi 9 in zona Crespellano a Valsamoggia
- 398.000
- 96 m2
- 7 locali
- 2 camere
- 2 bagni
- Box
In splendida zona pedecollinare a pochi passi dal centro di Crespellano proponiamo in vendita porzione di Villa bifamiliare in pietra faccia vista edificata nel 2008 disposta su due livelli e composta al piano terra da ingresso, sala con cucina a vista, bagno. Atttraverso la scala in muratura accediamo al piano primo dove troviamo due camere, un bagno e un ripostiglio/studio finestrato. Completano la proprietà un grandissimo garage eventualmente divisibile per ricavare un locale tipo tavernetta e una cantina/lavanderia. Portico all'ingresso, giardino fronte e retro l immobile con terrazza di collegamento. Impianto di aria condizionata in pompa di calore in tutti gli ambienti e inferriate al piano terra DA VEDERE !!!
In a splendid foothill area a few steps from the center of Crespellano we offer for sale a portion of a semi-detached stone villa built in 2008 on two levels and composed on the ground floor of an entrance hall, living room with open kitchen, bathroom. Through the brick staircase we access the first floor where we find two bedrooms, a bathroom and a closet. The property is completed by a very large garage that can be divided to create a tavern-type room and a cellar/laundry room. Porch at the entrance, garden in front and behind the property with connecting terrace. Air conditioning system with heat pump in all rooms and railings on the ground floor MUST SEE!!!
mintaqat falsaamujya kirisbilanu
fi mintaqat safh tala rayieat ealaa bued khatawat qalilat min wasat krisbilanu, nuqadim lilbaye jz'an min fila hajariatan shibh munfasilat tama binawuha fi eam 2008 ealaa mustawiayn watatakawan fi altaabiq al'ardii min qaeat madkhal waghurfat maeishat mae matbakh maftuh wahamam. min khilal aldaraj almasnue min altuwb nasil 'iilaa altaabiq al'awal hayth najid ghurfatay nawm wahamaam wakhizanatan. yashtamil aleaqar ealaa jaraj kabir jdan yumkin taqsimuh li'iinsha' ghurfat ealaa shakl hanat waghurfat qbu/ghsil. shurfatan eind almadkhali, hadiqatan 'amam wakhalf aleaqar mae tiras mutasali. nizam takyif alhawa' mae midakhat harariat fi jamie alghuraf waldarabizayn fi altaabiq al'ardii yajib ruyatuh !!!
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