Palazzo in Via Veglie Angolo Via Regina Margherita 17 a Carmiano

360 m2
8 vani
4 camere
3 bagni
€ 168.000
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Nel centro del paese, intero palazzo d'epoca ante '42 sul quale si può attivare il titolo secondo, in posizione angolare.
L'edificio è costituito da due piani: Il piano terra caratterizzato da un susseguirsi di maestose volte a stella, il primo piano, sopraelevato successivamente, presenta alti soffitti piani ed un accesso diretto sul lastricato solare.
Costituisce pertinenza dell'edificio, il tipico locale voltato con accesso indipendente da un grande portone in legno, attualmente accatastato come autorimessa.
Le caratteristiche strutturali, consentono la divisione in due distinte unità abitative, ma anche un eventuale cambio di destinazione d'uso.

In the heart of an enchanting little town of Salento, South of Italy, sun drenched Italian historical palace in a corner position with terraces and an internal courtyard.
The palace consists of two floors built in different periods and it has served as main nucleus of a larger property.
The rooms on the ground floor are characterized by majestic star-shaped vaults. The ones in the front have access to the streets, thevery spacious eat-in kitchen has a functioning fireplace and access to an internal courtyard and a bathroom.
The internal courtyard gives access to the very large garage with built-in deposits. The garage can also accessed directly from the street - through the wooden door visible in the pictures - and be fully independent from the house.
The first floor, erected at a later stage, is formed by two wings with annexed bathrooms and internal terraces. One of the wings has the the inbuilt facilities lines to install a second kitchen. The common area at the center of the wings gives access to a common room that has served as ball room and gives direct access to the top floor terrace. Each room has high ceilings and balconies.
The structural characteristics of the house allow for it to be divided into independent apartments and for a change of intended use.

Dove si trova


Informazioni generali

360 m2
405 m2
8 locali
€ 168.000
Medio Signorile


Terra, senza ascensore
Da ristrutturare
60 mq
40 mq

Efficienza energetica

167,032 kwh/m2 anno

Richiesta informazioni all'agenzia

Logo agenzia

The Agency Immobiliare

viale japigia 10/e
Lecce (LE)

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